Today's blog post is from guest dietitian blogger Alexandria Hoare. Alex outlines a compelling case of why you should ignore the populist hype of 'sugar hating' and get on board getting more of it in your diet in the way nature intended - through fruit. The benefits of fruit What do apples, pears and oranges all have in common? If you answered that they are all fruits you are … [Read more...] about Fruit: the healthy sugar hit
Juicing vs eating your fruit and veg
Juicing fruit and vegetables is a popular way to get a get a quick ‘health fix’, but does come with the downside that they are less filling than eating the solid foods in the first place.Eating more fruit and vegetables is the foundation stone of any healthy diet. One popular way to consume them is through juices. The one clear downside from drinking fruit and vegetables … [Read more...] about Juicing vs eating your fruit and veg