Physical activity is promoted for its benefit on fitness and helping burn up excess kilojoules. Now scientists are beginning to unravel secondary benefits it could have by dampening activation of brain regions that drive our desire for less-healthy high-kilojoule foods.Physical activity has many health benefits and is a cornerstone of lifestyle advice to help with weight … [Read more...] about Exercise changes our desire for unhealthy foods
Getting Active
Antioxidant supplements not a good training aid
Exercise has many health benefits, and one of the ways it achieves this is by the oxidative stress it places on the body. Now new research has found that athletes who take high doses of antioxidant supplements can impair the training adaptations from the beneficial stress which exercise causes.For active people, regular training is as important part of maintaining and … [Read more...] about Antioxidant supplements not a good training aid
Coffee powers endurance sports
Caffeine is a popular performance-enhancing supplement taken by both recreational and elite sportspeople. A recent clinical trial has found that getting a caffeine hit from regular coffee is just as effective on sports endurance as popping caffeine tablets.The world of sports supplements is dominated by over-priced, over-hyped, and mostly ineffective pills and potions. … [Read more...] about Coffee powers endurance sports
Water overload in sport: who is at risk?
Is it possible to drink too much water during endurance exercise? The answer is definitely 'yes'. Water overload (hyponatremia) is a potentially life-threatening condition. Read on to learn who is at risk and what you can do to prevent it.Hyponatremia occurs when the sodium concentration in the blood drops to a dangerously low level. Sodium serves an important role in the … [Read more...] about Water overload in sport: who is at risk?
Counting steps to increase physical activity
A study comparing how many steps people take each day in different countries has given some insight into what role walking plays in explaining the obesity problem. Counting steps may just be the solution to get people moving more.With so much focus on the food and dieting side of the weight-loss equation, the importance of increasing activity sometimes gets lost. Because of … [Read more...] about Counting steps to increase physical activity